David jameson Harris featured in new book, "West Meets East: 100 Essays from University Students in the USA"


Book Cover of West Meets East: 100 Essays from University Students in the USA published by Phoenix Tree Publishing and BCLU University Press

Source: Phoenix Tree Publishing

Today, I’m tuning in with an announcement that’s a bit different from my usual music updates. I’m excited to let you know about a short story of mine featured in the newly published anthology edited by Dr. Li-Cheng Gu, "West Meets East: 100 Essays from University Students in the USA."

Music isn’t just my passion—it’s my way of storytelling, forging connections, and learning new languages. And while most of my songs and performances are heavily steeped in American stories and traditions, my time in Beijing has also been filled with a few stories worth telling.

"Pancake Brothers" is a personal narrative that I initially wrote as a speech in Mandarin for the Chinese Bridge Language Competition (Hanyu Qiao) on CCTV. It is a tale of friendship, culture, and hope. This story recounts my bond with my dear friend Dali, from flipping pancakes (jianbing) in the bustling lanes of Beijing to performing on Chinese National Television, all while supporting a heartfelt cause—raising money to fund chemotherapy for Dali’s daughter.

I haven't often shared this part of the journey in interviews because it can be hard to talk about, but you can read more of the story in this collection of essays. If you’re interested in a different kind of storytelling from me—one that interweaves food, music, and a mission—you’ll find "Pancake Brothers" resonates with the same heartstrings as a good country song.

Grab your copy of the book from Phoenix Press here: https://www.phoenixtree.com/product-page/westmeetseast

Till the next song,
David Jameson Harris


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